List of Top 10 Basic Excel Formulas & Functions


List of Top 10 Basic Excel Formulas & Functions

Here is the list of the top 10 basic formulas and functions in Excel.

·        SUM

·        AVERAGE

·        MIN & MAX

·        TRIM


·        COUNT

·        COUNTA

·        COUNTIF

·        IF

·        SUMIF

Table of contents

List of Top 10 Basic Excel Formulas & Functions

·        #1 SUM in Excel

·        Example

·        #2 AVERAGE Excel Function

·        Example

·        #3 MIN & MAX in Excel

·        Example

·        #4 TRIM in Excel

·        Example

·        #5 CONCATENATE in Excel

·        Example

·        #6 COUNT Formula in Excel

·        Example

·        #7 COUNTA Formula in Excel

·        Example

·        #8 COUNTIF in Excel

·        Example

·        #9 IF in Excel

·        Example

·        #10 SUMIF in Excel

·        Example

·        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. SUM Function

The Excel SUM function returns the sum of all inserted values.

Syntax: SUM (number1, [number2], [number3], …)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type=SUM(

Step 2: Select  All Number which you want to sum

Step 3: After Selection Close Bracket like this           


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 164 (See Image below)

2. AVERAGE Function

The Excel AVERAGE function returns the average of all inserted values. 

Syntax: AVERAGE (number1, [number2], [number3], …)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type=AVERAGE(

Step 2: Select  All Number which you want  Average of

Step 3: After Selection Close Bracket like this


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 32.8 (See Image below)

3. MIN & MAX Function


The Excel MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in a range of values.

Syntax: MIN (number1, [number2], …)    



Step 1: Go to Cell Type=MIN(

Step 2: Select  All Number  to Find Minimum Number Among Them

Step 3: After Selection Close Bracket like this                          


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 20 (See Image below)


The Excel MAX function returns the biggest numeric value in a range of values.
MAX (number1, [number2], …)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type=MAX(

Step 2: Select  All Number to Find Maximum Number Among Them

Step 3: After Selection Close Bracket like this                          


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 62 (See Image below)

NOTE: Both function only consider numeric values. Empty cells, logical or text values will be ignored.

4. TRIM Function

The Excel TRIM function removes the spaces from a given text. Additionally, it removes unnecessary spaces between words.

Syntax: TRIM (text)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type=TRIM(

Step 2: Select  Cell(Text) you want to remove unnecessary space

Step 3: After Selection Close Bracket like this                        


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = RIYA SANTOSH GUPTA Without Space (See Image below)


The Excel CONCATENATE function joins two or more text items together.

Syntax: CONCATENATE (text1, [text2], …)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type = CONCATENATE(

Step 2: Select Cell(text)1 Add “” for Space between text Select Cell(text)2 You Want To Merge And like this Then Close Bracket


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = RIYA GUPTA (See Image below)

6. COUNT Function

The Excel COUNT function counts the number of cells containing numbers.

Syntax: COUNT (value1, [value2], …)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type = COUNT(

Step 2: Select Cell you want to count then close bracket like this


Step 4: Press Enter

   Result = 4 (This will not include cell A2 because this formula calculates the only numeric value. Please see the image below).

7. COUNTA Function

The Excel COUNTA function counts the number of cells containing numbers, text, logical values, error values, and empty text. Empty cells will be ignored.

Syntax: COUNTA (value1, [value2], …)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type = COUNTA(

Step 2: Select Cell you want to count then close bracket like this


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 4 (This will  include cell A2 because this formula calculates the numeric & text value. Please see the image below).

8. COUNTIF Function

The Excel COUNTIF function counts the number of cells meeting a specific criteria.

Syntax: COUNTIF (range, criteria)



Step 1: Go to Cell Type =COUNTIF(

    Step 2: Select a range(E2:E7)& the criteria(Pass) that you want to count


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 2 (As Two People are Pass. Please see the image below).

9. IF Function

The Excel IF function is the most essential function in Excel for logical tests. You can define the value that is returned by this function if the result of the logical test is TRUE and the value that is returned if the result is FALSE.

If you want to test more than one condition, you can simply nest multiple IF functions.

Syntax: IF  (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])



Step 1: Go to Cell Type=IF(

Step 2: Select  Cell you want and give a condition after  then type 1 true value and  2 false value like this  =IF(F2>33,"Pass","Fail")

Step 3: After Selection Close Bracket


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = Pass (67.33 is greater than 33 so the result is Pass .

See Image below)

10. SUMIF Function

The Excel SUMIF function returns the sum of all cells meeting a specific criteria. If the range for the criteria check and the sum range are not the same, the sum range can be provided as a third optional parameter.

Syntax: SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range])



Step 1: Go to Cell Type =SUMIF(

Step 2: Select the range for the condition B3:B9 (the Type 1 values)

Type ,

Select the criteria (the cell B3, which has the value "SAMSUNG")

Type ,

Select the range for the sum C3:C9 (the Total values)

Like this


Step 4: Press Enter

Result = 90000 (Total of SAMSUNG PRODUCT.

Please see the image below).

1. What are the basic formulas in Excel?

Basic formulas in Excel include arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—for example, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and PRODUCT.

2. What is MS Excel formulas and functions?

MS Excel formulas and functions are expressions used to perform calculations or manipulate data in Excel. Formulas start with an equal sign (=) and can contain functions, mathematical operations, cell references, and constants.

3. How to write a formula in Excel?

To write a formula in Excel, start with an equal sign (=), followed by the formula expression. For example, to add two numbers in cells A1 and B1, write "=A1+B1" in another cell.

4. What are basic Excel skills?

Basic Excel skills include:

·         Entering data.

·         Formatting cells.

·         Using basic formulas and functions.

·         Creating simple charts.

·         Sorting and filtering data.

·         Understanding cell references.

5. What is VLOOKUP in Excel?

VLOOKUP is a function in Excel used to search for a value in the first column of a table range and return a related value from a specified column. It's commonly used for data lookup and retrieval.

6. What is a formula in Excel?

An Excel formula is a mathematical expression that works with values in a specific range of cells. These formulas yield a result, even if it's an error. They empower you to carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division calculations within Excel.

7. What are the 5 important formulas in Excel?

Some important Excel formulas include:

1.    SUM: The SUM formula adds the values in a range of cells.

2.    AVERAGE: The AVERAGE formula averages the values in a range of cells.

3.    COUNT: The COUNT formula calculates the quantity of cells that hold numeric values within a designated range of cells.

4.    IF: The IF formula assesses a condition and provides a specific output if the condition is true, or an alternative output if the condition is false.

5.    VLOOKUP: The VLOOKUP formula searches for a value in a table and returns the corresponding value from another column in the table.

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